Spinal Pain Relief Treatment
Spinal stenosis is a disorder caused by the narrowing of the spinal canal that most usually affects the neck and lower back. This procedure places additional strain on the spinal cord and neurons. Interventional pain therapies may be beneficial in mild to severe instances of spinal stenosis.
Types of spinal cord stimulation.
Back pain
Post-surgical pain
Heart pain
Spinal cord injuries
Nerve-related pain
Peripheral vascular disease
Complex regional pain syndrome
Post-amputation pain
Visceral abdominal pain
Perineal pain
The Pain Management Consultant can assist in determining the origin of your spine pain. To alleviate the symptoms of your pain, we provide a variety of therapies. Our objective is to return you to your regular activities. Make an appointment with one of our pain specialists by contacting us.
Heal Your Pain With Us
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